Raw material
Watertight lid
Stainless steel
Floor box
U24X (See technical data for raw material).
Indoor installations.
Silicone contents
Silicone free
Directive 2011/65/EU
RoHS II Compliant
EN 50085-2-2:2008
Minimum storage and transport temperature
Minimum installation and application temperature
Maximum application temperature
Resistance to flame propagation
Non-flame propagation.
Electrical continuity characteristic
Without electrical continuity characteristic.
Electrical insulating characteristic
With electrical insulating characteristic.
Protection degree assured by the enclosure
Retention of the system access cover
Cover removable only with the aid of a tool.
Resistance against mechanical impacts during mounting and use
2 J at -5ºC
Electrically protective separation
With internal protective separation.
According to floor treatment
Floor box for wet-treatment of floor
According to resistance to vertical load applied through small surface area
2.500 N
According to resistance to vertical load applied through large surface area
5.000 N
Intended installation positions
Flushed in the pavement.
Rated Voltage
750 V
Protection against mechanical damage
EN 60695-2-11:2001
Glow-wire test
Severity degree: 960ºC
European Directive 2014/35/EU
CE Marking
Conformity with standard EN 50085-2-2:2008.
1. Except for new part numbers, which are under process of obtaining quality marks and approvals. See updated information of each part number on www.unex.net
2. Detection limit for the analytical technique applied.