Slotted trunkings 77 in LMP colour blue

Technical specification

Slotted trunkings 77 in Logo colour blue

Logo Unex



  • For cable conduction in electrical and communications cabinets. Mounted on any surface, even with the cover downwards.


  • Higher safety for the installation assured by the trunking's sturdiness.
  • The cover is easy to mount and remove. The cover will stay in place and will not slip in any mounting position.
  • Possibility to cut until the base for better branching.
  • Non-cutting tips or edges: avoiding damage to cables and personal injury.

Product characteristics

  • Insulating raw material: Profiles in U23X. Retainers in U24X. Cable compactor, label-holder profile and label-holder profile support in U43X. Rivets in U60X. (See raw material data).
  • Length: 2 m
  • Colour: Blue RAL 5012
  • Directive 2011/65/EU: RoHS II Compliant

Quality Marks(1)

File number E 75725 (M)


Trunkings. Type approval certificate nº 05116/I1/BV

Type approval certificate TAE00003J8


EN 50085-2-3:2010
Minimum transport and storage temperature
Maximum application temperature
+60ºC This standard does not include long term tests.
Resistance to flame propagation
Non-flame propagator.
Electrical continuity characteristic
Without electrical continuity characteristic.
Electrical insulation characteristic
With electrical insulation characteristic
Retention of the system access cover
Cover removable without the aid of a tool.
Intended installation positions
  • A- With retainer or cable retainer: mounted on any surface, even with the cover downwards.
  • B- Without cable retainer: mounted vertically or horizontally, except with the cover downwards.
ANSI/UL 1565; CSA-C22.2 No. 18.5
Temperature rating
+50ºC This standard includes long term tests.
EN 50085-2-3:2010, DIN 43659 and NF C 68102
Fixing holes in the base
Useful cross-sections
  • 774030-06: 940 mm2
  • 776040-06: 2137 mm2
  • 776060-06: 3092 mm2
  • 778030-06: 1865 mm2
  • 778040-06: 2874 mm2
  • 778060-06: 4128 mm2
  • 778080-06: 5630 mm2
  • 7780100-06: 7177 mm2
  • 7780120-06: 8572 mm2
  • 7710040-06: 3585 mm2
  • 7710060-06: 5179 mm2
  • 7710080-06: 7110 mm2
  • 77100100-06: 9000 mm2


EN 50085-2-3:2010

Minimum transport and storage temperature:
Maximum application temperature:
+60ºC This standard does not include long term tests.
Resistance to flame propagation:
Non-flame propagator.
Electrical continuity characteristic:
Without electrical continuity characteristic.
Electrical insulation characteristic:
With electrical insulation characteristic
Retention of the system access cover:
Cover removable without the aid of a tool.
Intended installation positions:
  • A- With retainer or cable retainer: mounted on any surface, even with the cover downwards.
  • B- Without cable retainer: mounted vertically or horizontally, except with the cover downwards.

ANSI/UL 1565; CSA-C22.2 No. 18.5

Temperature rating:
+50ºC This standard includes long term tests.

EN 50085-2-3:2010, DIN 43659 and NF C 68102

Fixing holes in the base:


Useful cross-sections:
  • 774030-06: 940 mm2
  • 776040-06: 2137 mm2
  • 776060-06: 3092 mm2
  • 778030-06: 1865 mm2
  • 778040-06: 2874 mm2
  • 778060-06: 4128 mm2
  • 778080-06: 5630 mm2
  • 7780100-06: 7177 mm2
  • 7780120-06: 8572 mm2
  • 7710040-06: 3585 mm2
  • 7710060-06: 5179 mm2
  • 7710080-06: 7110 mm2
  • 77100100-06: 9000 mm2

Compulsory regulations

European Directive 2014/35/EU
CE Marking
Conformity with Standard EN 50085-2-3:2010.

Compulsory regulations

European Directive 2014/35/EU

CE Marking:
Conformity with Standard EN 50085-2-3:2010.

Characteristics of U23X raw material

  • Base raw material: PVC.
  • Silicone contents: <0,01%.
  • Phthalate contents according to ASTM D2124-99:2004: <0,01%.
  • Dielectric strength according to EN 60243-1:2013: 18±5 kV/mm.
    Test sample thickness 2,5 mm.
  • Reaction to fire according to UNE 201010:2015: Classification: M1.
  • UL flammability tests on plastic materials according to ANSI/UL 94: 1990: Degree UL94: V0.
  • L.O.I. Oxygen index according to EN ISO 4589:1999 + A1:2006: (Concentration %) = 52±5.
  • Coefficient of linear expansion: 0,07 mm/°C m. (2)
  • Behaviour to chemicals exposure: The ISO/TR 10358 and DIN 8061 standards indicate the behaviour of rigid PVC when exposed to a series of chemical products, depending on the temperature and concentration.
    It is resistant to the majority of:
    - Oils (mineral, vegetable and paraffins)
    - Organic and inorganic acids (diluted or concentrated)
    - Fatty acids
    - Alcohols
    - Carbonates, Phosphates, Nitrates, Sulphates and other saline solutions
    - Aliphatic hydrocarbons
    - Hydroxides (diluted or concentrated)
    However, it is not resistant to the majority of:
    - Amines
    - Ketones
    - Phenols
    - Aromatic hydrocarbons (2)
  • Resistance to ozone according to ASTM D-1149: No cracks magnified to 2.
  • UL Approval: UL File E317944 (only extrusion formula, grey and blue colour).

Characteristics of U24X raw material

  • Base raw material: PVC.
  • Silicone contents: <0,01%. (3)
  • Phthalate contents according to ASTM D2124-99:2004: <0,01%. (3)
  • Dielectric strength: Insulating.
  • Reaction to fire s/UNE 201010:2015: Classification: M1
  • UL flammability tests on plastic materials according to ANSI/UL 94: 1990: Degree UL94: V0.
  • Coefficient of linear expansion: 0,07 mm/°C m. (2)
  • Behaviour to chemicals exposure: DIN 8061 and ISO/TR 10358 standards indicate the performance of rigid PVC in front of a series of chemical products depending on its concentration and temperature.
    Resistant to the most common:
    - Oils (mineral, vegetable and paraffin emulsions)
    - Acids (diluted or concentrated)
    - Fat acids
    - Alcohols
    - Aliphatic carbon hydrides
    - Hydroxide
    - Saline solutions (2)
  • Resistance to ozone according to ASTM D-1149: No cracks magnified to 2.

Characteristics of U43X raw material

  • Base raw material: 100% recycled halogen free thermoplastic component (4)
  • Halogen contents according to EN 50642: 2018: Halogen free
  • Silicone contents: <0,01% (3)
  • Phthalate contents according to ASTM D2124-99:2004: <0,01% (3)
  • Dielectric strength according to IEC 60243-1:2013: 18±5 kV/mm
    Test sample thickness 2,9 mm.
  • Classification of the reaction to fire according to NF F 16-101:1988: <= Class F2
  • UL flammability tests on plastic materials according to ANSI/UL 94: 1990: degree UL94 V0
  • L.O.I. Oxygen index according to EN ISO 4589:1999+A1:2006: 43±4
  • L.O.I. Oxygen index according to EN ISO 4589:1999+A1:2006: >=34
  • Smoke opacity Ds max according to ISO 5659-2, 25 kW/m2: < 150
    Test sample thickness 2,1 mm
  • Behaviour to chemicals exposure: It is resistant to the majority of:
    - Oils (mineral, vegetable and paraffins)
    - Diluted acids
    - Fatty acids
    - Alcohols
    - Carbonates, Phosphates, Nitrates, Sulphates and other saline solutions
    - Aliphatic hydrocarbons
    - Diluted hydroxides
    However, it is not resistant to the majority of:
    - Amines
    - Ketones
    - Phenols
    - Aromatic hydrocarbons (2)
  • Essai de résistance à l'ozone s/ASTM D-1149: No cracks magnified to 2.
  • UL Approval: File E317944 (grey colour)

Characteristics of U60X raw material

  • Base raw material: Polyamide 6.6 (natural colour and grey RAL 7035 colour)
  • Halogen contents according to EN 50642: 2018: Halogen free
  • Silicone contents: silicone free
  • Phthalate contents according to ASTM D2124-99:2004: phthalate free
  • UL flammability tests on plastic materials according to ANSI/UL 94: 1990: Degree UL94 V2
  • L.O.I. Oxygen index according to EN ISO 4589:1999: >=29
  • Behaviour to chemicals exposure: Resistant to the most common:
    - Hydroxides
    - Oils
    - Fats
    - Carbon hydrides
    - Acetone
    - Chlorated solvents
    The zinc of the galvanized affects the life utility of polyamide 6.6 in front of agressive agents (chemical agent and UVs). (2)
  • UL Approval: File E41938 EM
  • Classification acc./ASTM D6779:2003: PA 0111


1. Except for new part numbers, which are under process of obtaining quality marks and approvals. See updated information of each part number on

2. All features marked are based on random tests of the material in the manufacture of our products. However, they only reflect the values accepted by the raw material manufacturers, which are provided only as information and guidance.

3. Detection limit for the analytical technique applied.

4. Value corresponding to the last 5 years, subject to availability.
